Traditionally effective

Our team is happy to provide you with any information you may need. You can contact us at:
BANO Healthcare GmbH
Im Gries 22
6580 St. Anton /Arlberg
Should you experience any side effects, please contact us by telephone or in writing. Please include the name of the product you used and the batch number.
Baden Office
BANO Healthcare GmbH
Annagasse 17
A-2500 Baden bei Wien
T +43 (0)2252/82 369-0
F +43 (0)2252/82 369-10
Office hours:
MON - THURS: 8:00 - 17:00
FRI: 8:00 - 13:30
Hartberg Production Site
BANO Healthcare GmbH
Penzendorf 9
A-8230 Hartberg