Arnica (Arnica montana) is native to most continents of the earth – in mountain ranges above approx. 2,600 metres. In many countries it’s a protected species. Its use as a medicinal plant can be traced back to the 17th century. It grows to up to a height of 50 centimetres. It’s the yellow flower heads, with their characteristically aromatic scent, that are used.
Pharmacologically important ingredients include sesquiterpene acetone, flavonoids, coumarin and essential oil.
Besides increasing blood flow, arnica’s active agents are also appreciated for their cooling effect on sunburn and insect bites and for aiding recovery following sprains. Sebastian Kneipp said of arnica: “Arnica is priceless. It deserves to be the first remedy you reach for to treat an injury, that’s why I cannot recommend it highly enough.” Arnica montana was named Medicinal Plant of the Year 2001.
Arnica extract from arnica flowers is used in our Arlberger Arnica Gel, Arlberger Murmelin Sport and Joint Ointment, Arlberger Murmelin Rubbing Alcohol and Arlberger Arnica Rubbing Alcohol.
Traditionally effective

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