Traditionally effective

Mountain Pine

Classical mountain pine oil (Oleum Pini pumilionis) is extracted from fresh needles and the tips of branches through steam distillation. The tree also goes by the name of creeping pine, dwarf mountain pine and Swiss mountain pine. It’s widespread in the Alps, the Pyrenees and Carpathian Mountains, in the alpine regions of which it forms difficult to penetrate miniature forests between 1 and 3 metres tall. The mountain pine is probably most striking in the limestone alps, where it very often forms the upper tree line.

The essential oil obtained from the mountain pine mainly consists of alpha and beta pinenes and carenes and small amounts of bornyl acetate and terpinyl acetate.

Mountain pine oil has been used for centuries to boost blood circulation, it helps relieve muscle pain and has a positive effect on tense muscles and bronchial illnesses.

We use pure mountain pine oil in our Mountain Pine Cream, in Murmelin and Murmelin and Arnica Rubbing Alcohol.


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When your body tenses up

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Raw materials


Melissa, or Melissa officinalis, is certainly one of the oldest and best-known medicinal herbs of our time.


Primula veris (= the first small fruits of spring) has been valued as a medicinal plant for centuries.


Valerian not only improves the quality of sleep, but alsoreduces the amount of time it takes to fall asleep and improves the quality of sleep.

Hay Flowers

Apart from the wonderful scent that the hay flower (Graminis flos) exudes, the essential oils it contains have a positive effect on the body.